What Are Storm Windows: Everything You Need to Know 2024

September 20 , 2024

Are you looking to protect your home from different outside elements and also want to boost energy efficiency? You can go storm Windows. They are a practical way of improving one's home. These windows give your home a great barrier, protecting it from harsh weather and reducing outside noise. The most important factor is that they also help lower energy bills.

Homeowners mostly like Storm Windows due to their added durability and comfort and great protection and peace. So Storm Windows is the perfect solution if you upgrade your home, giving safety and energy efficiency all year round. This guide will cover everything you need to know, especially storm Windows. So you can make a decision when choosing them for your home.

Let's dive in:

What Are Storm Windows?

What Are Storm Windows

Storm windows are secondary glazing units installed inside or outside existing windows to increase weather protection. These layers help to shield against the force of wind and the moisture of rain, as well as the chill of colder weather. They help to reduce sound and energy loss due to air escape.

With proper installation procedures, such as weatherstripping at moving parts and high-quality materials, storm windows act as impermeable walls. A storm window includes overlapping or interlocking joints to eliminate exposure to the elements. If you are one of those people, you might check and install low-e storm windows, as instructed in our DIY guide for proper energy-saving improvement.


Improve Energy Efficiency

Storm windows regulate internal temperatures and eliminate drafts as they cover the building’s windows, saving energy costs.

Weather Barrier

They protect the primary windows from the elements, protecting the house's interiors.

Sound insulation effect

Reduction of outside sound is possible, thanks to the addition of storm windows, which improve the serenity of a particular room.


Aesthetic Impact

Some homeowners might not like storm windows as they are changing the decorating concept of the house.

Limited Functionality

Storm windows do not allow adequate ventilation or operability.

Maintenance Required

General maintenance is also necessary, such as cleaning and inspecting the seals to ensure they remain effective.

Types of Storm Windows

Interior storm windows

Internal storm windows are fitted to the interior of the existing primary windows, creating another separation between the interior of the building and the outside weather. These are made up of glass or, more often, acrylic panels enclosed in aluminum or vinyl frames. Those windows are good for tenants and homeowners seeking a quick and self-installation solution since they are removable. Besides improving the house's overall energy efficiency and windproofing, the internal storm windows also reduce the noise effectively without changing the house's appearance.

Exterior storm windows

External storm windows are added to the exterior edges of the primary windows to protect them against the weather elements. They come in different types of glass, for example, low-e glass, which is good as it helps minimize energy loss. Unlike interior storm windows, which are prone to wear and tear because of their materials, outside storm windows are usually built using sturdier materials like aluminum. They can be single, double, or triple-track, which enhances ventilation control. Such windows are most suitable for clients who want an improvement in the weather-resistance levels of their structures, alongside assuring better thermal protection.

Types of Materials for Storm Window

Wood Frames

Wooden storm window frame have an attractive, traditional look that nicely complements older or more classic-style homes. They perform well as insulators but also need routine maintenance, like wood, to prevent rotting or warping due to weather. You can paint Wooden window frames to give new look of your home, but they are costly and less durable than other alternatives.

Vinyl Frames

Vinyl storm window frames are popular because they are affordable, long-lasting, and require little maintenance. They will not warp and rot; therefore, they can be used in many different climate conditions. Although vinyl frames provide good insulation to the structure, the design may be considered less attractive than wood.

Aluminum Frames

Aluminum storm window frame are light, strong, and do not rust easily. Hence, they are suitable for external storm windows. They create such beautiful modern designs and can be used in places where the weather is extreme. However, with aluminum, houses will not be as energy efficient as house frames made from wood or vinyl. This is because even though aluminum cannot rust, heat and cold easily pass through it, affecting climate control.

Benefits of Installing Storm Windows

Energy Efficiency

Installing storm windows is a contributory method of reducing heat loss in winter and cooling the house in the summer. This efficiency also results in low energy bills. Hence, storm windows are inexpensive for homeowners who wish to save some costs.

Withstand severe weather

Understanding the difference between renovation and restoration is important for home improvement projects. Storm windows add layer of protection from the elements: wind, rain, or snow. They also absorb damage to your primary windows, increasing the duration of your current windows and improving the durability of your home.

Noise Reduction

The inclusion of storm windows leads to a quieter environment as the inner surfaces of the primary window are wet with sound-absorbing materials. This feature is a great advantage to homes in noisy environments since it helps provide a more serene indoor setting.

UV Protection

It is possible to install various UV blockers on storm windows to suppress the detrimental effects of sunlight on items within your house. By blocking UV, the overall fragility of your things is reduced, as well as unwanted deterioration of their quality.

Added Security

Storm windows help to restrict intrusion because they provide an additional protective layer. This improves the security of your home without encasing all the windows again.


Storm windows have much less expense than replacing whole windows with new ones. They offer most of the advantages of new window installations regarding protection and insulation but at lower costs.

Cost of Storm Windows

The prices for storm windows depend on the material and type and the sizes offered. Storm windows can be estimated to range between 100 dollars to two hundred dollars apiece. Wooden storm windows are high. They are very beautiful and insulated, but they need more maintenance. The cost is between ten dollars and two hundred fifty dollars. Aluminum storm window frames are strong, resist the weather, and generally cost $150 to $350. The complexity of the work may cause additional installation costs ranging from $100 to $300 for each window.

How to Choose the Right Storm Windows for Your Home

Choosing the right storm windows involves several important factors.

Measuring your windows

Paying attention to the measurements guarantees correct sizing that is favorable in terms of aesthetics but also necessary for weatherproofing and energy efficiency.

Selecting appropriate materials

Additional materials that you may consider include wood, vinyl, or aluminum, depending on the look of the house, the budget, and maintenance needs.

Considering climate and local building codes

Your local weather patterns and building regulations may influence the type of storm windows you need to install.

Energy Star certification and R-value

For optimal insulation and savings, it is advisable to have storm windows certified under the Energy Star program while at the same time having a high R-value.

Cost-benefit analysis

When acquiring storm windows, check the initial purchase price with your projections for savings on your energy bills.

Custom storm windows for unique home designs

The modern design options might work with the regular storm Windows. But if you have differently shaped Windows in your home, you can go for custom storm Windows.

Installation and Maintenance of Storm Windows

DIY installation of storm windows

Storm windows can be self-installed by homeowners meaning they will have better energy economy, weatherproofing, and minimal noise. Proper steps and equipment will allow storm windows self installation with success. This method saves labor costs and provides the same level of protection as that provided by professionally installed windows thereby making home improvement more cost-effective.

  • Measure your existing windows accurately for storm window installation.
  • Make sure you have all three measurements, the width and height, and even the depth.
  • Choose storm windows with appropriate materials depending on your house's climate and decor.
  • Weatherstripping should be used on all the movable joints of the storm windows.
  • Carefully lift the storm window into position and fix it with the screws or any other fasteners. Check if the window is positioned at 90 degrees and tightly held against the previous window frame.
  • Sealants such as caulking are used on the edges of the storm window to stop air leakage and water penetration.

When to Hire a Professional to Install Storm Windows

If the installation of windows requires custom fitting or design of storm windows, hiring an expert installation service may be prudent. A professional will have all the skills required for such structures and ensure they are appropriate for their style.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

When cleaning the glass and frames of your storm windows, you should use a soft cloth and a mild detergent. This avoids the collection of dirt and dust, which lowers the aesthetic and functional value of the windows. Insulation, weather stripping, and seals should be inspected regularly for wear and tear. They should be changed where applicable to enhance functionality.

Solving Common Problems

If you see condensation between the storm window and the main window, it most often means better ventilation is required in your home. Such vents can also be incorporated within storm windows. Once in a while, you should open your storm windows to the outside for circulation in fresh-dry air, reducing humidity and mold growth and the associated risks.

Are storm windows worth the investment?

Storm windows are worth considering for homeowners wishing to enhance the comfort, efficiency of operations, and protection of their houses against external factors. The efficiency of a home is greatly increasing, and therefore, a large amount of energy can be conserved during the different seasons.

This increase in efficiency frequently equates to a reduction in energy costs, which often helps reduce the initial cost of the installation. Storm windows also come with structural protection, extending the life of the primary windows by protecting the outer windows from wind, rain, snow, and other environmental factors. As a result, less damage will be sustained by the primary windows. They also create quiet spaces within the premises as they cut down on external noise, thus making it desirable for people in busy areas.

Storm Windows vs. Regular Windows: Which is Right for You?

To keep in mind the distinctive appetite of each user group, it is vital to understand the benefits of storm windows over the regular ones or vice-versa.

Advice for Homeowners

For homeowners willing to save on operating expenses, there is an option of storm windows that is cheaper than replacing the entire window. They add extra insulation layers, act as shields from high winds, increase comfort, and decrease energy expenses without buying new windows. Onn the other hand,regular windows might be better if you intend to performm a renovation or update your house forits appearance.

Advice for Builders

Builders usually work in a way where adding storm windows to the existing windows is something that they would recommend to clients looking for an affordable way of renovating windows. They are especially beneficial in old homes, where many resources will be spent replacing most windows. Storm windows finally give better weatherproofing and can be fitted into the thermal envelope without disturbing the original layout. Regular windows will be a good option for new builds or bigger renovations, as they allow the fitting of more sophisticated efficient windows and up the home's value and outlook.

Advice for Commercial

For managers of rental units or rental commercial blocks, storm windows may help cut the cost of looking after the property and enhance the tenants' satisfaction. They are best for structures in places exposed to harsh climatic conditions, protecting them and conserving energy. Normal windows may be preferred for new constructions or upscale remodels to achieve contemporary aesthetics and better efficiency.

In a nutshell, storm and normal windows serve different purposes, as both have advantages.


Through this article, I believe you will have a more comprehensive understanding of storm windows, including their advantages and disadvantages, types, costs, selection tips, etc.

Overall, installing storm windows can improve energy efficiency and is cost-effective, making it the best choice for your home.

In addition, when buying storm windows, be sure to evaluate the quality of the storm windows and consider your needs (including the size, cost, function and other aspects of the storm windows), especially homeowners, builders, etc.

If you are still unsure about this, please contact us, we are happy to help. Hotian is a professional door and window company that offers a wide range of door and window series for you to choose from. We can also design and customize doors and windows according to your needs (including personalized options such as color, size, glass, etc.).

Simply contact us with your product sourcing needs and we will get back to you with a quote.


How long do storm windows last?

Storm windows have a lifespan ranging from 10 to 30 years or more depending on their material, quality, and care. Wooden frames tend to require replacement much quicker due to the issues associated with rot, while vinyl and aluminum frames tend to enjoy lasting durability. Ordinary repair procedures and services such as cleaning and damage evaluation can also help to prolong their lasting period.

Do storm windows break easily?

Storm windows are designed more robustly than standard ones to provide further protection from troublesome weather conditions. Breaking such windows depends on the materials, construction, and technique used. Stronger materials and correct application can make windows more enduring.

Are storm windows and hurricane windows the same?

Hurricane windows and storm windows are different. At the same time, the storm windows protect against normal weather and save energy. Hurricane windows are specially designed to counteract winds and flying debris during storms. Such hurricane windows are made in compliance with the strictest building codes and provide more impact resistance than standard storm windows.

How can I tell if a window is a storm window?

In most cases, storm windows consist of an additional pane of glass or acrylic affixed to the main windows' interior or exterior. Storm windows contain an auxiliary window that is usually fitted inside or over the main window and has either no frame or a small frame covering the edges. Look for details such as weatherstrip or jointing patterns typical of storm windows.

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